Saturday, October 6, 2012

Lost Energy!

This past weekend, I noticed something kind of strange in my classes. Everybody was dragging their feet. What I mean by this is they had no energy. I'm not just talking about one person; everybody looked like they had no energy. It's that time of year, I get it. The fun is over. Kids are back in school, the weather is getting chilly. It is the time we hang up our bathing suits and pull out the sweaters. 

I can't stress this enough: this is a crucial time! This is when we set the stage for the rest of the year. Those bathing suits will be back sooner than you think. It's the time of year when we start eating more food. That's right, pies, cookies, turkey, ham and potatoes. A recipe for FAT! 
Reach deep down and find it! Find that energy, determination and passion! Set goals for yourself!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Wow, my feet hurt!

I've recently incorporated circuit training into my dance classes. I did this for two reasons. First reason being because my feet hurt and to give my feet a break I figured I would just yell at people. Just kidding, kind of. The second reason is to vary the class up. I did this because I noticed I have the same people taking my classes all the time. I'm not trying to attract new people. Variety is important. You never want to do the same exercises over and over. Eventually your body will adapt. Circuit type classes offer a full body workout, incorporating mostly body weight exercises using minimal weighted exercises. I find it less intimidating. I also work in spinning which is a great way to burn out your legs without all the pounding on the joints. But I believe dancing is the best exercise on the planet! Okay, maybe I'm pushing it a little. Weight training to some extent is important. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Give it time!


Trying new exercises is very important for muscle confusion because our body adapts. While teaching my classes, I realize that when I throw in something new, the class looks a me like I'm crazy!

I know people get worried by injury due to unknown exercise moves and that is understandable. But as long as you proceed with caution I assure you, you'll be fine. I never instruct someone to do an exercise that I haven't tried before. Trust your instructors and know they wouldn't make you do something that would cause injury.

Speaking of injuries. I've noticed in some of my classes  that people are hurting themselves. It's the people who take multiple classes in one day! Not something I recommend. Over training can and will eventually result in injury. The only thing it will lead to is you sitting on your ass all day getting over an injury.

Set realistic goals. If you have a wedding to attend and you're worried about looking good in that dress you bought 10 years ago and you're determined to fit your ass in it, don't start dieting and exercise two weeks before. Give yourself three months, unless you have tons to lose, otherwise buy a new dress! But seriously guys, pace yourself and know the weight will eventually come off. I tell people, "It took your entire life to look the way you do. All that extra weight didn't get there on its own. It's takes time to get ride of it. Don't rush it." Rome wasn't built over night otherwise it would have probably ended up looking like Detroit!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Developing new eating habits is no easy task. I act like I know because I'm so fat...

I actually have a friend who has told me the horror stories. Giving up old habits can be tough. When I say, "old habits," I mean eating crappy food and basically being lazy.

God I wish I could be lazy! Just sitting at home all day watching reruns of I Love Lucy. But then I think about the consequences it will have on my ass! By the way, that's called a sick day.

Then I think, "Man, a big Mac sounds good right about now!" but then I think about the effects is will have on my heart. I know what you are thinking: I'm crazy. Thank God for Prozac!

Seriously though, I talk to people sometimes and they are shocked about how easy making a few adjustments to the smallest habits can be. Be aware the first few days can be tough.

I remember when I tried giving up Oreo cookies... I would have dreams of floating cookie houses and eventually the house would land in my mouth. Okay, maybe I'm embellishing a bit. I would wake up thinking I ruined everything. And you know what? Even if I happened to sleep walk that night and ate all the Oreo cookies out of the trash can, so what?

Tomorrow is always a new day. The only person that knows is you. Remember that the next time you give up something.

Monday, July 23, 2012

My legs are killing me!

I woke up today and almost fell off my bed. OMG, I am so sore from my workout yesterday! Now those of you who know me are probably thinking I must have taught too much Zumba again. Wrong! I actually worked my legs yesterday at the gym. The reason I'm telling you this is because weights suck! I'm kidding, although my legs might think that I'm actually doing my legs a favor.

Yoga and Pilates will also help strengthen your legs. 
So often I here people tell me, "I hate doing legs," and believe me, I get it. But your legs make up a huge portion of your body. We do everything in our daily lives because we have legs. It's so important to strengthen your legs. Cardio does a decent job of keeping your legs conditioned but adding weights is not only going to make your legs stronger, but keep them toned.  We also want our bodies to look proportioned. We have all seen the guys with the killer upper body and chicken legs. Don't  we all want to rock the mini skirts? Right!?! Well, not me of course! Another great alternative to a leg workout is Yoga and Pilates.
I recommend stretching before and after a leg workout. Steaming also helps relieve some of the soreness the next day. Also, taking in larger amounts of protein after a leg workout may also help with the recovery process.

Here are a few samples of lower body stretching exercises that I like to do:
Hamstring Stretch
   Sit on the ground with both legs straight out in front of you
   Bend the left leg and place the sole of the left foot alongside the knee of the right leg
   Allow the left leg to lie relaxed on the ground
   Bend forward keeping the back straight
   You will feel the stretch in the hamstring of the right leg
   Repeat with the other leg
Quadriceps Stretch
   Lie face down on the floor, resting your forehead on your right hand
   Press your hips firmly into the floor and bring your left foot up towards your buttocks
   Take hold of the left ankle with the left hand and ease the foot closer to your buttocks
   Repeat with the right leg
   You will feel the stretch along the front of the thigh
Hip and Thigh Stretch
   Stand tall with your feet approximately two shoulder widths apart
   Turn the feet and face to the right
   Bend the right leg so that the right thigh is parallel with the ground and the right lower leg is vertical
   Gradually lower the body
   Keep your back straight and use your arms for balance
   Feel the stretch along the front of the left thigh and the right hamstrings
   Repeat by turning and facing to the left
Adductor Stretch
   Stand tall with your feet approximately two shoulder widths apart
   Bend the right leg and lower the body
   Keep your back straight and use the arms to balance
   You will feel the stretch in the left leg adductor
   Repeat with the left leg

Sunday, July 15, 2012


I can’t stress enough that people should take it slow, especially people who haven’t worked out in a while. There are so many options out there to get in shape. I get it, and as an instructor, believe me I want to try them all! I consider myself to be really fit, okay really really fit,  but even I can’t just jump into a new exercise program without taking it slow. A new program means there are different muscle being used so regardless of your fitness level, you will feel it in the morning. Ease yourself into the workout.
            I just started a new kind out workout which involved dancing on the sand. Sounds fun right? Well it is, but OMG is it hard! I was crippled the next day! Same basic moves I do in my indoor class but different conditions.  I warned my class but they didn’t listen. One person even got hurt. I titled this blog control, because that’s exactly what this person didn't exercise. It's so important to control those movements and not to go crazy like you're Superman or Wonder Woman! What do I mean by control, you ask. As a dancer, the first thing you learn in ballet, before you do anything difficult moves, is how to control your body. This happens to be one reason why the tights are worn.  Not my favorite.  To be honest, learning to dance was boring in the beginning because all we did was exercise in learning how to control our movements. I feel this is true in exercise to avoid injury.

Friday, June 29, 2012

It's Never Too Late

So often I have people come up to me and say, "I could never take your class." "I haven’t worked out in years." "I’m too fat!" Or my personal favorite, "I can’t dance." This is probably because I teach Zumba. I find that most people, especially in a class setting, are afraid what people might think of them, but even more so what they think of themselves. They hide in the back so they can’t see themselves in the mirror. My advice to people is to keep your eyes fixed on the instructor's ass.

You will never be as good as the instructor. Why? Because they made it up! As far as everyone else in the class, they're trying just as hard as you to follow the instructor, they’ve just been doing it for much longer.

Here’s a financial tip: group exercise classes are a quarter of the price of a personal trainer. That’s right my friends, you may feel like an ass but your saving money while doing it!
Here are a few classes to look for while at the gym that are great for beginners:
  • Zumba classes are good because you are just dancing
  • Spin classes are even easier because you are simply sitting
  • Yoga is great because you're striking a pose, aka Vogue!
  • Last but not least, kickboxing because you're basically learning to kick ass

Easy enough? Now go take a class and burn some calories.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Don't be confused!

One thing to remember when working out is to change it up every now and then.If you're like me, you've been working out since you were in your teens. But lets be honest, times have changed. Style in clothing, music choices, jobs and workout regimes have too. The last one I mentioned, workout regimes, is probably the one thing most people don't change. And trust me it, it shows.

Muscle confusion is a technique used to achieve maximum possible growth and development of muscles. What happens is that as our body becomes accustomed to doing work, the amount of effort and energy required to do that work decreases. By constantly varying the type and intensity of your workout, you prevent your muscles from becoming accustomed to the workload.In other words our bodies adapt.

An interesting aspect of skeletal muscle is its adaptability. If a muscle is stressed, it adapts and improves its function. For example, lifters exercise their arms and shoulders, so their muscles experience hypertrophy and become stronger. Larger muscles allow them to accommodate an increased load. Likewise, if a muscle receives less stress than it's used to, it atrophies. For example, the muscles of a casted leg atrophy in response to not being used. It's important to realize that what you do today to stay fit should be different than what you did a year ago. 

Regardless of what your fitness goals are, whether it be to lose weight and get in shape, or improve your performance during sports, muscle confusion will play a large part in helping you be successful.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

F#%k my feet hurt!

I never realized how important proper shoes are until my feet started to hurt. Like most people, I never thought the cheap tennis shoes I buy were ever going to affect my feet. Well, those days are over. Now that I’m teaching eight classes a week, my feet are taking quite a beating.  A few days ago I decided I was just going to bite the bullet and buy expensive footwear.  But what kind?  There are so many to choose from! What I’ve learned is that there are tennis shoes for a variety of things. There are special shoes for running, walking, climbing, dancing and cross training. It's very confusing. I suggest you leave it to the experts. Tell them what it is you need them for and you’re good as gold! But be prepared to drop some money. I also suggest you do a bit a research before you buy the shoes.  For some reason, a lot of these specialty shoes come in the funkiest colors. My guess is these shoemakers just want people to notice their brand.

Here are some helpful hints on what shoes are best for people who like to run. One thing to remember is running shoes have forward and backward support, but not lateral. So if you are a dancer, a running shoe is not what you should buy. I did some research and this is what I found.

Some of the best women's running shoes are the following:
  • Nike Zoom Vomero 4: Designed for comfort and consistency, the Zoom Vomero 4 does not have the technological bells and whistles of some of the others on this list. The value in this shoe lies in its cushioning, overall quality and all-around performance.

  • Brooks Launch: Reviewers have raved about the Launch's flexibility and foot feel. Across arch types and running styles, comments on this shoe have been extremely positive.

  • Asics Gel-Kayano 15: Lauded for its amazing fit and excellent cushioning, this Kayano has a bigger gel pad than ever. Reviewers agree that Asics has successfully avoided the "squishy" feel that sometimes comes with a large liquid cushion.
  • Mizuno Wave Nirvana 5: Runners with a heavy gait and need for a high level of support are claiming this is the best Wave Nirvana since the original. This shoe won't be loved by all, but for those who fit the mold, it is the best shoe on the market.

Some of the best men's running shoes are the following:
  • Brooks Launch: The Launch is a neutral shoe that has a light and responsive feel. Aesthetics are great, and runners can't seem to get enough of the spring the Launch puts in their stride.

  • New Balance 902: The 902 may be the best combination on the market of lightweight construction and breathability paired with ample support. Cushioning is a strong point, and attention to the little things, like a secure tongue lined with moisture-wicking fabric, has New Balance at the top of many runners' wish lists.
  • *Adidas Men's Fortitude 2: The Fortitude makes the list of best shoes based on construction and value. For those looking for a well-constructed, light and comfortable shoe at a third of the price of other running shoes, the Fortitude 2 is the "bang for the buck" choice.
  • Asics Gel 1140: A mid-priced performer, the Gel 1140 is a lightweight and comfortable shoe. Asics offers the 1140 as a good value as well as a widely praised construction and feel in this trainer.
So, I personally haven’t found the right shoes yet. After spending $120, my feet still hurt. So back to the drawling board I go. Thank god I’m a least able to exchange them for a different pair.  Make sure when you buy tennis shoes, you are able to return them! I suggest Nordstrom. They allow you to return everything!

Check out the latest episode of Fitness Fads where I show you a crazy workout called Kangoo Jumps. Whew! The shoes are literally out of this world!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"The Secret to a Flat Stomach"

I constantly have people asking me how to get rid of their belly. It’s the case of the dreadful muffin top. Now I’m no nutritionist, but I’m guessing because I have an amazing set of washboard abs that people assume I know. Okay, I’m kidding about the abs. Without telling people what to eat, I tell them to look at what they are currently eating. A flat stomach is all about how you eat. Easier said than done, otherwise everyone would look like me. Kidding again!

Rather then changing your diet completely--because we all know that usually ends in disaster--make a list of what you normally eat. Chances are you're eating pretty much the same thing all the time. It's normal for people to go to the same restaurants and buy the same food at the market because it’s familiar to them. Try this: write down all of your favorite foods. Once you have compiled that list, figure out which ones are the most fattening and remove only one thing, for a week. Again, it's not that easy. I remember when I did this a few years back. I removed Oreo cookies from my diet. I can honestly say I was having dreams of eating them by the seventh day. Notice how I said to choose one food item. I never recommend people removing more than they can handle. Dieting isn’t easy. After a week, look at the list again and remove a second item. Eventually you will slowly figure out what foods work for you and what foods don’t.

With that, here is one of my favorite abdominal exercises:
1. Lie face up on your mat and place your hands behind your head, lightly supporting it with your fingers.
2. Bring the knees in to the chest and lift the shoulder blades off the floor without pulling on the neck.
3. Rotate to the left, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee as you straighten the other leg.
4. Switch sides, bringing the left elbow towards the right knee.
Continue alternating sides in a 'pedaling' motion for 1-3 sets of 12-16 reps.

Check out the show I'm currently hosting, Fitness Fads!

"The Secret to a Flat Stomach"

I constantly have people asking me how to get rid of their belly. It’s the case of the dreadful muffin top. Now I’m no nutritionist, but I’m guessing because I have an amazing set of washboard abs that people assume I know. Okay, I’m kidding about the abs. Without telling people what to eat, I tell them to look at what they are currently eating. A flat stomach is all about how you eat. Easier said than done, otherwise everyone would look like me. Kidding again!

Rather then changing your diet completely--because we all know that usually ends in disaster--make a list of what you normally eat. Chances are you're eating pretty much the same thing all the time. It's normal for people to go to the same restaurants and buy the same food at the market because it’s familiar to them. Try this: write down all of your favorite foods. Once you have compiled that list, figure out which ones are the most fattening and remove only one thing, for a week. Again, it's not that easy. I remember when I did this a few years back. I removed Oreo cookies from my diet. I can honestly say I was having dreams of eating them by the seventh day. Notice how I said to choose one food item. I never recommend people removing more than they can handle. Dieting isn’t easy. After a week, look at the list again and remove a second item. Eventually you will slowly figure out what foods work for you and what foods don’t.

With that, here is one of my favorite abdominal exercises:
1. Lie face up on your mat and place your hands behind your head, lightly supporting it with your fingers.
2. Bring the knees in to the chest and lift the shoulder blades off the floor without pulling on the neck.
3. Rotate to the left, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee as you straighten the other leg.
4. Switch sides, bringing the left elbow towards the right knee.
Continue alternating sides in a 'pedaling' motion for 1-3 sets of 12-16 reps.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

What music gets your heart pumping?

When it comes to getting a good workout, music is everything. Whether you're pumping iron in the gym, running for hours on a treadmill, or dancing around in your favorite cardio class, you are more than likely jamming along to your favorite tunes. It's a great way to motivate your workout and to make it enjoyable. There's nothing better than taking a spin class to some kick ass music. I think one of the reasons my classes do so well is because of the music selections. When people hear a familiar song, it excites them.

According to LifeMojo, here are few benefits to  adding music to your workout: 
  • Music diverts a person's attention during repetitive exercises, so feelings of fatigue, exhaustion and boredom are minimized.
  • Music can reduce the factors contributing to pain, tension, anxiety and discomfort.
  • Music can act as a stimulant which can increase your performance. Respiration and cardiac rate is increased with the help of music. This can help intensify your workout.
  • The body movement to the rhythm of music increases levels of output.
  • The rhythmic qualities can follow the physical skills and can improve motor skills.
  • Physical strength can also be attributed to music. Sedative music decreases muscular potential training ability. Fast stimulating music can increase muscle tension.
  • It promotes a positive mood and avoids any kind of negative thoughts.

To sum it up, music makes working out fun!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Could you be overtraining?

I saw a friend the other day who couldn't believe how skinny I've gotten. Now that comment might make a lady happy, but for a man it sucks. Looking big and strong is what I'm trying to achieve. I admit that I find myself tired. Knowing when enough is enough is very important. For me, it's a balance between cardiovascular training and muscle endurance training. My problem is I'm only doing about two days of muscle strength training but seven hours of cardio. I know it sounds insane. That's what happens when you teach seven Zumba classes a week! As an instructor I too need to make sure I don't overtrain.

Overtraining is a physical, behavioral, and emotional condition that occurs when the volume and intensity of an individual's exercise exceeds their recovery capacity. If there is not sufficient recovery time between workouts, progress is stifled. Overtraining is often thought of as absolute, or a black and white phenomenon.  Someone that exercises often or an athlete may be slightly overtrained and will still achieve progress, just not as much as if they didn't overtrain,  which will result in an increased resting heart rate, slower recovery, irritability and depression, weight loss and decreased appetite. Sadly I think i'm experiencing all of the above. 

Here is an article I found useful, 9 reasons to skip your workout...sometimes

Monday, April 2, 2012

Looking to tone up your ass?

This weekend I spent 10 hours at a workshop for group exercise training. My god there are a lot of exercises to remember!  I realized about halfway through that I couldn't possible remember all of the different exercises they were demonstrating, so I decided to rely on common sense. Sure enough the exercises started sticking. I realized how important it is to understand our bodies in more ways then just knowing what style of jeans best complement our ass, but instead actually knowing what muscles you should workout that could assist in helping your ass look even better.  
Did you know, the human body has more than 650 muscles, which make up half of a person's body weight? It's important to know a little anatomy and physiology.

There are many people who are new to working out that don't have a clue. And because of that they're not doing an effective workout because they are working out the wrong muscle groups or stretching inappropriately. 
For example, knowing the difference between an eccentric and concentric muscle contraction may be the most important fact to know when it comes to resistance training. The eccentric muscle contraction is the movement going down, or lengthening of the targeted muscle. For example, an eccentric contraction would be the “down” movement when doing  biceps curls.The concentric movement is the shortening of the muscle, or the “up” movement.

Now,  just that little bit of information I just gave you might just help you next time you pick up a pair of dumbbells. I also encourage my class participants to talk to a personal trainer if they have questions. I bet you didn't know that some gyms offer one free training session with a trainer. My advice is to suck as much information out of them as possible! Bring a notepad to write on or pull out a recording device. Anything you can do to improve your workout.
And remember this, research shows that resistance exercise is effective at any age. And the biological changes that occur in muscles when you lift weights ought to convince you that this type of activity is beneficial for a lifetime. No matter how old you are or how sedentary you might be, it's never too late!
Check out this crazy workout suit that is designed to create resistance to your entire body.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Dangerous Fad Diets

Working out and dieting, let's be honest, can be a shock to your system. It can alter your mood and cause you to feel tired. It can even effect your sex life! Now, nobody wants that to happen.

I have a friend that is so frustrated about the diet she's been on for the last five days. She is on the South Beach diet and she misses bread so bad that she practically broke up with her boyfriend. Here is some advice,  find a diet that is going to work for your lifestyle, otherwise you will never be able to sustain your desired weight.You know what they say, its not a diet, it's a new way of life. 

Diets are tricky and can harm your body if not done right. For example, another friend of mine went on what I like to call a crazy diet. She had to eat grapefruits. Yup, that's the list, just grapefruits for 10 days. Now because of this, she had some serious health complications. I'm no nutritionist but I do know that our bodies need a certain amount of nutrients to keep our body performing at an optimum level. One of my best friends just ended up in the hospital yesterday because of a cleanse he was doing which caused him to have severe dehydration and a few other complications. Please be careful any time you decide to go on a diet. Learn about any risk factors associated with the diet first.

Losing weight and keeping it off requires determination. But people will do anything for quick and easy results. Here are nine of the craziest, if not extremely dangerous, diets that have come and go.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Get Fit by Gardening

I can't stress enough how important it is to change up your daily workout. Most of us get used to doing the same exercises day after day and see no changes to our bodies. Often I see people in my classes just passing time doing the work. They figure just being there is good enough. The work becomes boring and they aren't getting the workout they once got months ago. It's important for people to push themselves and challenge their bodies. Our bodies will adapt but if you're not giving your body the opportunity to hit its capacity, progress can't happen.  If you start out with moderate exercise, eventually it could turn into high intensity exercise. It's also important to try different things. There are many Group X workouts to choose from. Group X type of physical workouts are many of the typical classes offered in most gyms. They can be group aerobic classes, exercise boot camps, dance aerobics and kickboxing

Click here to find out some more information on group X classes.

Did you know it is recommended that everybody get 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily? This can be accumulated through your day by doing things like walking your dog, cleaning your house or something as simple as gardening. However, the less vigorous the workout the longer you might need to perform the activity.

Check out the second webisode of my web series, Fitness Fads, on TRX suspension training:

Subscribe to my YouTube channel, Fitness Fads.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Find out how TRX Suspension Training kicked my ass!

Who needs a gym when you have your own body weight? I'm guessing that that's what the creators of TRX suspension training were thinking, when they came up with concept. The Company actually owes its roots and ongoing drive to the US Navy Seal Team. They are changing the way that athletes of all abilities and fitness professionals perform, by offering an array of bodyweight-based training products.

From personal experience, I can honestly tell you that it's probably one of the hardest exercise programs I've ever tried. After 15 mins of suspended push  -ups, dips and pull ups, I was completely exhausted. This is definitely an exercise that would encourage one to lose weight. I could barely handle my measly 155 pounds!

Here is a great article that explains more about the benefits of TRX Suspension Training.

Check out Fitness Fads episode #2, featuring TRX Suspension Training.

Join me as I count down the top 10 workouts that keeping some of your favorite celebrities fit.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle plays a huge role in how physically fit a person is! Whether you are into hiking, surfing, skiing or swimming, adding physical fitness to your lifestyle can never be a bad thing. Simply walking in the park can give you a moderate workout! The intensity of the activity determines how long you should spend performing the activity. You just need to fine a way to incorporate it into your daily schedule. I know, easier said than done.

Here is a great example of the kind of effort I'm talking about. When I teach my noon class on Fridays, I'm assuming most of the attendees don't have day jobs. Their kids are at school or they are retired. I do have one lady who happens to be a career woman. She runs her own law firm. To my surprise she never misses a class and sometimes takes more than one class in a day. One day I asked her if she should be at work. Her response was that she stepped out for an hour and that they would never know she was gone. Now that's dedication! But I'm not saying this will work for everyone--don't get fired on my behalf!

If you are someone who works a 9-to-5 day, chances are you probably don't have much time. Ask yourself how important it is to you to age gracefully. Adding physical fitness to your life should be enjoyable, not a drag. Think hard and remember what activities you've enjoyed in the past and see if you can incorporate it into your weekly schedule.

Relying on just willpower will not work. Willpower equals short-term success. Long-term success requires planning, discipline and finding ways to motivate yourself every day.

Here is an article I found useful.

Keep up with Fitness Fads on Youtube!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Listen to your body!

Its important to listen your body and not over train. For example, this week has been tough for me. I'm slowly getting over a cold. The last thing I want to do is put my body through a greuling work out. Just so you know, it's okay to take it easy every so often.  A lady in one of my classes has been dealing with a cold for almost three weeks now. She failed to give her body the break it needed. Instead she continued working out.  Although, it can go both ways. For instance, this past weekend I decide to just eat everything in sight. I went from Chili's, to Sharkey's and then ended with Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles.  I can honestly say my heart hurt by Monday. I just knew my body needed a good workout. Acknowledging your body's needs can go a long way. 

Over training is something I see way too often.  If you’re actively getting weaker, slower, and your stamina is deteriorating despite regular exercise, you’re probably training too much.

Here are 8 warning signs you might be over training:

1) You repeatedly fail to complete your normal workout
2) You are losing leanness despite increased exercise
3) You are having to lift and sprint harder every day
4) You're feeling restless and unable to sleep in your down time
5) You feel overly fatigued, sluggish and useless
6) Your joints, bones, or limbs hurt
7) You are getting sick more often.
8) You feel like crap days after a big workout
When you over train and work out excessively, you may think you are doing your body a favor by giving it the physical exercise it needs, but your efforts can be counterproductive.

Keep up with Fitness Fads on Facebook. Like us today!