Monday, August 6, 2012

Developing new eating habits is no easy task. I act like I know because I'm so fat...

I actually have a friend who has told me the horror stories. Giving up old habits can be tough. When I say, "old habits," I mean eating crappy food and basically being lazy.

God I wish I could be lazy! Just sitting at home all day watching reruns of I Love Lucy. But then I think about the consequences it will have on my ass! By the way, that's called a sick day.

Then I think, "Man, a big Mac sounds good right about now!" but then I think about the effects is will have on my heart. I know what you are thinking: I'm crazy. Thank God for Prozac!

Seriously though, I talk to people sometimes and they are shocked about how easy making a few adjustments to the smallest habits can be. Be aware the first few days can be tough.

I remember when I tried giving up Oreo cookies... I would have dreams of floating cookie houses and eventually the house would land in my mouth. Okay, maybe I'm embellishing a bit. I would wake up thinking I ruined everything. And you know what? Even if I happened to sleep walk that night and ate all the Oreo cookies out of the trash can, so what?

Tomorrow is always a new day. The only person that knows is you. Remember that the next time you give up something.

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