Saturday, March 17, 2012

Get Fit by Gardening

I can't stress enough how important it is to change up your daily workout. Most of us get used to doing the same exercises day after day and see no changes to our bodies. Often I see people in my classes just passing time doing the work. They figure just being there is good enough. The work becomes boring and they aren't getting the workout they once got months ago. It's important for people to push themselves and challenge their bodies. Our bodies will adapt but if you're not giving your body the opportunity to hit its capacity, progress can't happen.  If you start out with moderate exercise, eventually it could turn into high intensity exercise. It's also important to try different things. There are many Group X workouts to choose from. Group X type of physical workouts are many of the typical classes offered in most gyms. They can be group aerobic classes, exercise boot camps, dance aerobics and kickboxing

Click here to find out some more information on group X classes.

Did you know it is recommended that everybody get 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily? This can be accumulated through your day by doing things like walking your dog, cleaning your house or something as simple as gardening. However, the less vigorous the workout the longer you might need to perform the activity.

Check out the second webisode of my web series, Fitness Fads, on TRX suspension training:

Subscribe to my YouTube channel, Fitness Fads.

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