Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Little Change Can Go a Long Way!

A little change can go a long way! Working out shouldn't be a drag. You shouldn't feel overwhelmed. It's important to change just a couple of things, not your entire life. Often I hear people tell me they are going to work out two hours a day until the extra weight comes off and often those people fail. 

When deciding on a workout, fine something that works for your current schedule. Do not rearrange your life because it will be harder for you to maintain it. By changing a few things, and then adding more as your body adapts, your chances of sticking to your workout is much greater. Remember this: there is no quick fix! It takes time but more important, your willingness to make a change.

What's your lifestyle like?  How you live determines your choices and these choices decide how healthy you are and whether you're on the road to success.

Check out Fitness Fads Episode #1 featuring Cardio Barre. Join me as I count down the top 10 Fitness workouts that are keeping some of your favorite celebrities fit.

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