Thursday, February 23, 2012

Listen to your body!

Its important to listen your body and not over train. For example, this week has been tough for me. I'm slowly getting over a cold. The last thing I want to do is put my body through a greuling work out. Just so you know, it's okay to take it easy every so often.  A lady in one of my classes has been dealing with a cold for almost three weeks now. She failed to give her body the break it needed. Instead she continued working out.  Although, it can go both ways. For instance, this past weekend I decide to just eat everything in sight. I went from Chili's, to Sharkey's and then ended with Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles.  I can honestly say my heart hurt by Monday. I just knew my body needed a good workout. Acknowledging your body's needs can go a long way. 

Over training is something I see way too often.  If you’re actively getting weaker, slower, and your stamina is deteriorating despite regular exercise, you’re probably training too much.

Here are 8 warning signs you might be over training:

1) You repeatedly fail to complete your normal workout
2) You are losing leanness despite increased exercise
3) You are having to lift and sprint harder every day
4) You're feeling restless and unable to sleep in your down time
5) You feel overly fatigued, sluggish and useless
6) Your joints, bones, or limbs hurt
7) You are getting sick more often.
8) You feel like crap days after a big workout
When you over train and work out excessively, you may think you are doing your body a favor by giving it the physical exercise it needs, but your efforts can be counterproductive.

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pack on the pounds and get thin?

Who knew packing on the pounds could help you get thin? That's exactly what a company that developed the Mbody Plate Vest figured out. I was introduced to this product at the 2012 LA Fit Expo and was amazed with how different it felt when adding just 20 pounds to my body when I attempted an exercise. The MBody Plate Vest adds weight, which adds resistance, resulting in an elevated heart rate. It got me thinking how hard it must be for people who are extremely overweight; it makes the simplest task difficult: like getting up from a seated position, getting out of bed in the morning, walking up and down stairs, and even just taking a shower.

The added weight while working out reminds me of when I was younger. I would be sitting in the living room, watching my older sister do her aerobic tapes. She always added weight around her ankles. Sometimes she would even wear those ankle weights to work. I'll admit I thought she was foolish!  I never understood what benefits she was getting until I tried on the weight vest. Wow, it makes a difference!

If you are someone who is looking to change up your weekly cardio routine, grab a pair of 10 pound weights.  I guarantee you will feel a difference the next morning.  Here we are spending all this time trying to lose the weight and the trick is to add on the weight. Who knew?

For more information on the MBody Plate Vest, visit their web site, and check out my interview with the owner of the MBody Strength.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Little Change Can Go a Long Way!

A little change can go a long way! Working out shouldn't be a drag. You shouldn't feel overwhelmed. It's important to change just a couple of things, not your entire life. Often I hear people tell me they are going to work out two hours a day until the extra weight comes off and often those people fail. 

When deciding on a workout, fine something that works for your current schedule. Do not rearrange your life because it will be harder for you to maintain it. By changing a few things, and then adding more as your body adapts, your chances of sticking to your workout is much greater. Remember this: there is no quick fix! It takes time but more important, your willingness to make a change.

What's your lifestyle like?  How you live determines your choices and these choices decide how healthy you are and whether you're on the road to success.

Check out Fitness Fads Episode #1 featuring Cardio Barre. Join me as I count down the top 10 Fitness workouts that are keeping some of your favorite celebrities fit.

Keep up with Fitness Fads on Facebook. Like us today!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Taking control!

Taking control of your body sounds easier than it is. Often, time passes us by and when we step back and look in the mirror, it's not always a pretty sight. But it doesn't have to be that way!

We may not be able to control everyday traffic or the constant stresses at work, but what we can control is how we treat our bodies and more important, what we eat.

Working out can be just as addicting as anything else. Who doesn't want to have a better quality of life? Someone in one of my classes recently told me, she's been putting off exercise and her diet for the last four years after having her kids. It's now been two months since taking control of her life and she's never felt better! She has more energy then ever!

My advice is to take control now! Don't wait until a doctor tells you to! Activities such as walking, running and hiking are free! Healthcare isn't!

Here is a great article I found to be helpful.
8 Ways to Gain Control of Your Life | The Organized Steps | Organize Your Wellness

Check out Fitness Fads Episode #1 featuring Cardio Barre. Join me as I count down the top 10 Fitness workouts that are keeping some of your favorite celebrities fit. Find out what Dakota Fanning is doing to stay fit.