Trying new exercises is very important for muscle confusion because our body adapts. While teaching my classes, I realize that when I throw in something new, the class looks a me like I'm crazy!
I know people get worried by injury due to unknown exercise moves and that is understandable. But as long as you proceed with caution I assure you, you'll be fine. I never instruct someone to do an exercise that I haven't tried before. Trust your instructors and know they wouldn't make you do something that would cause injury.
Speaking of injuries. I've noticed in some of my classes that people are hurting themselves. It's the people who take multiple classes in one day! Not something I recommend. Over training can and will eventually result in injury. The only thing it will lead to is you sitting on your ass all day getting over an injury.
Set realistic goals. If you have a wedding to attend and you're worried about looking good in that dress you bought 10 years ago and you're determined to fit your ass in it, don't start dieting and exercise two weeks before. Give yourself three months, unless you have tons to lose, otherwise buy a new dress! But seriously guys, pace yourself and know the weight will eventually come off. I tell people, "It took your entire life to look the way you do. All that extra weight didn't get there on its own. It's takes time to get ride of it. Don't rush it." Rome wasn't built over night otherwise it would have probably ended up looking like Detroit!