Friday, June 29, 2012

It's Never Too Late

So often I have people come up to me and say, "I could never take your class." "I haven’t worked out in years." "I’m too fat!" Or my personal favorite, "I can’t dance." This is probably because I teach Zumba. I find that most people, especially in a class setting, are afraid what people might think of them, but even more so what they think of themselves. They hide in the back so they can’t see themselves in the mirror. My advice to people is to keep your eyes fixed on the instructor's ass.

You will never be as good as the instructor. Why? Because they made it up! As far as everyone else in the class, they're trying just as hard as you to follow the instructor, they’ve just been doing it for much longer.

Here’s a financial tip: group exercise classes are a quarter of the price of a personal trainer. That’s right my friends, you may feel like an ass but your saving money while doing it!
Here are a few classes to look for while at the gym that are great for beginners:
  • Zumba classes are good because you are just dancing
  • Spin classes are even easier because you are simply sitting
  • Yoga is great because you're striking a pose, aka Vogue!
  • Last but not least, kickboxing because you're basically learning to kick ass

Easy enough? Now go take a class and burn some calories.