One thing to remember when working out is to change it up every now and then.If you're like me, you've been working out since you were in your teens. But lets be honest, times have changed. Style in clothing, music choices, jobs and workout regimes have too. The last one I mentioned, workout regimes, is probably the one thing most people don't change. And trust me it, it shows.
Muscle confusion is a technique used to achieve maximum possible growth and development of muscles. What happens is that as our body becomes accustomed to doing work, the amount of effort and energy required to do that work decreases. By constantly varying the type and intensity of your workout, you prevent your muscles from becoming accustomed to the workload.In other words our bodies adapt.
An interesting aspect of skeletal muscle is its adaptability. If a muscle is stressed, it adapts and improves its function. For example, lifters exercise their arms and shoulders, so their muscles experience hypertrophy and become stronger. Larger muscles allow them to accommodate an increased load. Likewise, if a muscle receives less stress than it's used to, it atrophies. For example, the muscles of a casted leg atrophy in response to not being used. It's important to realize that what you do today to stay fit should be different than what you did a year ago.
Regardless of what your fitness goals are, whether it be to lose weight and get in shape, or improve your performance during sports, muscle confusion will play a large part in helping you be successful.